Oh Caroline, this is wonderful, God has blessed us with your talent, let us now be a blessing to others. Peace and grace to you, Margaret

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Peace and grace to you too Margaret.

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I find myself very drawn to this months peaceful prayer protest week. I remember hearing the term Worship as Protest - Mark Pierson Upper Room , years ago and finding a way within that.

I'm looking at the canvas often, blank and mine to do what I wish with - conscious that if made public it will draw scrutiny. Regarding blank canvases , if you don't like what you have painted you can always paint over it.

My most difficult issue currently is finding peace in situations where people are offensive to me personally and feel justified in that . Generally I let it ride and present my petitions for myself and my agressors privately to God, may be the answer.

Recently I have addressed a few personal attacks and am ill equipped in peaceful confrontation as the opposing parties have negated my being to enable their own ways, = they just don't want to be friends. I pray for inner peace and the ability to let go of the past, be it fifty years ago or yesterday.

So I return to Worship or Praise as Protest. Turning inwardly to the Creator , acknowledging my own shortcomings and being grateful for today. Perhaps a canvas as well as a few songs today godwilling.

From the luxury of time to think , I wish you peace today.

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Painting over a blank canvas makes me think of the grace that God offers to us. Grace and peace to you

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